Sunday 18 February 2018

Perspectives: Dissertation OGR


  1. Hi Greta,

    Your research looks good so far. These are a few Library resources that may be of use:

    Serial crime : theoretical and practical issues in behavioral profiling (ebook) particularly chapter 10 on serial murderers

    The psychopath test : a journey through the madness industry (available from Farnham if you place a hold on it) not written by a psychologist, but does refer extensive to scientific research into pscychopathy

    Listening to Killers

    After Hitchcock : influence, imitation, and intertextuality Book - particularly chapter two 'Hitchcockian silence : Psycho and Jonathan Demme's The silence of the lambs '. It might be worth researching Psycho in its own right as it's one of the first films to deal overtly with the psychology of murder.

    Journal articles on The Silence of the Lambs and psychology: I've linked to an example in the Library's journal article search here:!/search?ho=t&fvf=ContentType,Journal%20Article,f&l=en&q=%22silence%20of%20the%20lambs%22%20psychology

    Hope this helps,

